A few days ago, I received a lovely email from someone who had seen one of my exhibits at the Latimer Quilt and Textile Center in Tillamook, Oregon. One of the pieces in the exhibit was called “Everyone Has A Story” and was comprised of a bare manzanita branch covered with a lot of very small beaded dolls, ranging in length from 1-1/4″ to 3-1/2″.
The artwork moved this viewer to write a poem about it, which he wrote to share with me after he rediscovered it and typed it up. I asked his permission to share it with you here, and he has graciously agreed.
Everyone Has A Story to Tell
by Ryan James
Whispers from the beaded dolls hanging on the tree
“Look closer,”
Stories hinted at
Love, Joy Laughter
Forest, Green Man, Growth, Rain
From Darkness to Rebirth – Forgiveness – Healing
Ocean walk, mist rain, sand
Sun, warmth, light
Moon, womb, life
Whispers from the beaded dolls hanging on the tree
“Look closer,”
Everyone has a story
Thank you, Ryan, for sharing your poem and allowing me to use it here. I am always delighted to hear what people think about my work, even if their interpretation differs from mine or they just flat out don’t care for it. Art, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, and everyone is entitled to an opinion.
And so, my little chickadees, if you have seen something that moves you or inspires you, consider telling the artist about your reaction to their work. Even though we might not really like to hear that you think it belonged in the rubbish bin, at least we will know that you thought about it – that it moved you in some way.