I will be teaching at the Grunewald Guild in beautiful Plain, Washington (near Leavenworth in the Cascade mountains) again this year. I’ve been associated with Grunewald for 26 years now, and have only missed a couple of years for teaching. This year I have moved to the spring session instead of the summer. (August gets too toasty in the Plain valley for me to be comfortable.)

The Spring Sacred Arts Week starts May first. There are morning teaching sessions Monday through Friday, and students have the afternoons to do as they please – stay in the studio and work on their projects, take a hike in the hills around the Guild, play tourist in the Bavarian style village of Leavenworth, take a nap, read a good book, whatever comes to mind.

My class for the week is “Fabric Shrines for the Personal Altar”. We’ll explore three basic shapes/construction methods that will provide the basis for designing your own in the future. These are structures that are hard sided and will stand up on their own, and can be decorated in any way you might choose, or left relatively plain as the background for whatever objects you might add to them. There are a few examples included in this blog entry.

A word about shrines: my basic definition is that a shrine is anything that commemorates or memorializes a person, place, or event. I have had students make shrines to a beloved family member or friend, a traditional religious interpretation, honoring the victims of 9/11, and even one homage to her tomato garden. The choice is up to you.
Registration is now open for this week at: grunewaldguild.com Click on Programs, and then Spring Sacred Arts.
I hope to see some of you there, or elsewhere sometime soon. If you are planning to go to the Quilter’s Anonymous show in Monroe, I may see you there, as I plan to go on Friday morning, March 18. But even if you can’t go Friday, try to go Saturday or Sunday. They always put on a good show!
Peace, my little chickadees! Larkin