Greetings, my little chickadees! It’s been a busy fall, and now we approach winter with it’s longer, darker days and all the uncertainty we’ve been dealing with for so long. But we can still hope and work for a better new year full of friends and family and the joy of creating.
I don’t make a lot of holiday specific pieces, but I have chosen a few from my collection.

In November I had my first carpal tunnel surgery. It’s healing up nicely, though not as quickly as I had hoped. I can do most things fairly well, but no gripping or twisting of bottle caps for awhile yet. I can drive pretty well with one and a half hands, so I haven’t been entirely confined to home. The second surgery will be December 22nd (Happy Birthday to me!) My hand surgeon doesn’t want me doing any handwork until the end of February (NERTZ!!) but I’ll survive!

I will be closing down the comments function of this blog as soon as I can figure out how to do it. It seems to attract a gazillion spam posts and trollish comments, and I am frankly tired of dealing with them. I can think of a lot of better ways to spend my time. The contact link will stay live and you can always reach me that way. I get a lot less spam that way.

No matter how (or if) you choose to celebrate, I wish you love, joy, peace, and many blessings through the holidays and in the coming year. And thank you, dear chickadees, for your support and kindness through the years. You have been good company. Enjoy this sparkly time of year!