The Whirlwinds and Whirlpools exhibit at the Pacific Northwest Quilt and Fiber Art Museum has closed, and thirteen of the pieces from that exhibit have moved to new homes. The balance of the collection (32 pieces) will be traveling next week to the Latimer Quilt and Textile Center in Tillamook, Oregon. In addition to walls for hanging quilts, the Latimer also has a couple of glass display cases, so I will also be taking a selection of my extravagantly beaded neckpieces, shrines, totems/dolls, and a house and box to fill out the exhibit. I am delighted that these 3-D pieces will get some exhibition time!

One change from my previous post about this exhibit is the date of the closing reception. Originally planned for Saturday, October 30, it has moved to Sunday, October 31 – Halloween! It’s tempting to try to come up with a costume for the reception, but at the very least, I will have a holiday appropriate face mask for the event! The reception will be from noon to 4 p.m., and then the show will come down and I will bring it all home.

I have a few things planned for the long winter months, not the least of which is a major studio clean out. I keep running into things that I honestly cannot remember why I acquired them in the first place. Time for them to move on. I also unearthed a series I started back in 2015, and I plan to work on it through the darker months as a sort of pick-me-up.

For now, be well my little chickadees! Stay safe and create extravagantly! Larkin