Here in the Pacific NorthWet, we expect spring to be chilly and drizzly. But for the next few days, at least, we are expecting warmer than normal temperatures and clear blue skies. This is a great opportunity to get out in the yard, take a long walk, visit the zoo – anything outdoors. Because we know in our hearts that the rain will return.
At the top of this blog is a row of photos of my work. On the far right side is a large neckpiece called “Spring Rain”. For me, one of the surest signs that spring is on the way is the appearance of the lowly crocus. They can run the gamut of purples, white and yellows, and are cheerful little hints of good things to come. They are popping up all over the place, and they inspired the color choices for that neckpiece.
Meanwhile, while digging around in the basement (aka studio) I ran into a box of beaded pieces that were finished, but had never been photographed. Not for a moment would I profess to being a good product photographer (Van was great at it and did all my photography until he got too sick to handle it). And sometime down the road, I hope to get some lessons from my brother about set up and lighting. But for now, here are a few not-so-great photos from the not-quite-ready-for-prime-time box.

That’s all for now, my little chickadees. With any luck at all, everything will work so that you received this in your email in-box.
Be well, create beauty, and enjoy springtime (whenever it gets to you)!