On The Twelfth Day of Christmas . . .

when our true love sends us a truly bizarre list of gifts, we come officially to the end of the Christmas season.  (If you haven’t heard the Allan Sherman version of that song, do yourself a favor and find it someplace.  Talk about a bizarre list!) For some, this is called the Feast of the Epiphany, the day the three wise men arrived at Bethlehem.  For some, it’s the last day to get the holiday decorations back in their boxes and stashed away for another eleven months.  For some, it’s time to add up the bills and start preparations to pay taxes.  (Ugh!)

And for some of us, it’s time to take stock of the year just past and think about the year to come.  I don’t make resolutions, but I do list some goals for the year.  Some involve studio work, learning more about this thing called a blog, making smarter decisions in some areas, doing a little traveling, and trying some new things.

But most of all, to focus on things about which I can actually make a difference – to show more compassion and kindness, to be generous to those who need a wee bit of help, to stop feeling guilty about taking time for introspection, to find a more peaceful way to go about my days.

And so, my wish for you, my little chickadees, is to find peace and hope in the new year, and a way to reach some of your own goals.
